Feminine Essential is the second essay of the code and arises from the idea that the functioning of the world is unbalanced. When studying the quality of this imbalance, it becomes evident that societies follow a clearly masculine pattern, as shown by the industries that move the most money.
This imbalance completely affects the planet, both in its ecology and in the quality of life of its inhabitants, which gives rise to the idea that if some kind of balance were reached, we could live in a much better world... all of us.
The purpose is to create a feminine movement to modify the codes on which this reality is based and thus gradually balance the masculine polarities. For this, there must be a clear increase in the power of the feminine polarity in all areas, which does not mean that there are more women in those areas, but that attitudes are more feminine in general.
The proposal is to balance masculine power, which can only be achieved by modifying certain codes to increase the power of feminine energy.
For this, it is necessary that the women who feel involved in this movement, in which, as in all women, the feminine energy is much more present due to its biological and neural constitution, increase their individual and personal power. Secondly, it is about bringing together all that power to have the capacity to produce balance.
Feminine Essential is only an idea to increase feminine power, the clarity that power gives us is what should facilitate the appropriate actions, in a balanced and efficient way.
Femenino Esencial aims to create a platform to implement the proposed initiatives, it is still under construction, but if you are concerned about how the world is going and you think you can participate in its improvement, you can be part of this movement, contact us.
You can also go visiting this site to see what happens, none of this commits you absolutely to anything beyond your will, your decision and your power.
The word "feminism" doesn't appear because it shouldn't exist, and we want it to disappear... It's like the word "slavery", if it exists, it means something is wrong.